Almost forgot...Volvo 1800
Almost forgot...Volvo 1800
a kid in high school had a nice looking black GT...and that is a FINE, FINE hs car...(it was only 2 years old), but no...the asshat had to go and throw Cobra badges on and even swap out the read bumper and hood...too bad if you opened that hood you would see its not a Cobra...
Hopefully this one hasn't been posted yet. Having stacks on your truck and/or rolling coal.
Misbadged cars. Got a V6 Mustang? That's cool. Got a V6 Mustang with Cobra badges? You can go die in a fire. There's no excuse for that bullshit.
This may take more than a few years but camshafts may disappear from internal combustion engines. The development of the camless engine that Koenigsegg is doing is very interesting.
This one was pretty wild.
I do not understand the obsession with cutesy or moe things.
A message to the seller of this volvo:
So. . .the tram driver sees the old man in his way, so he stops to punch him. . .then the tram is in the way of the automobile. . .so should the automobile driver punch the tram driver for getting in HIS way?
There are lots of stupid people out there who do stupid things that make me WANT to punch them in the face. …
On the one hand this predatory business practice is totally messed up and it's a shame consumers are not smarter about this type of thing. But on the other... (and I'm totally gonna catch hell for this) Tires seem to be one of the most neglected safety features on a car; I see far too many cars on a daily basis with…
Oh for... Come on now! for the last time: