Yeah, I’m not sure the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has earned Dolly Parton.
Yeah, I’m not sure the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has earned Dolly Parton.
If only Microsoft made Rare Replay available on Windows 10...
Biggest laugh I've had all day, thanks for that!
I guess you two can’t play anymore, but that’s a really sad thing to plan for. Man. Great, now I am thinking about my kids.
Seriously though, great question! Paul managed to keep up with me as we played, so he never died. Will let you know as soon as I can get an online session going and someone dies.
Mike, I want to play with my 5 yr old. What happens when he dies?
I can totally relate to his position (spoilers: I’m on the spectrum too). I can’t claim to know how he’s operating, but if it were me it’d be all about making it as fast and efficient as possible. Stay on the reel for as short amount a time as possible, jump only as long as you need to in order to hit the spring!…
“Archer! I don’t care how nice it is outside! You get in here and practice your speedruns right now! i made a promise to the internet, and by gum you’re going to keep it!”
I wish I knew the answer, and I hope Nintendo remains motivated to publish such games. You seldom see much public clamor for these games. Here on Kotaku, traffic for stories about them is usually mediocre to bad (this BoxBoy review, for example, is drawing very few readers... oh well!).
Hey Stephen, what do you think makes a successful 2nd party eShop title (like this, Pushmo and Dillon’s Rolling Western) but keeps other titles (like Harmoknight) back? Was it because there was a gameplay mechanic to expand on? Or is it totally based on sales? What is the balance?
I love updates like this. Faster loading, better graphics, quality of life... these are the patches to aspire to!
Cinnamon bun Oreos have nothing on Strawberry Shortcake Oreos, which unfortunately were a limited edition. I really hope they come back.
Gita, thank you. I can’t say I always see eye to eye with staff writers, but I can wholeheartedly say that Kotaku is a better place for having you here and that your efforts make a difference, each and every day. Your perspectives matter and it makes all of us a little smarter, more empathetic, and wiser each read. Tha…
Danny O’dwyer is about to get so many confused emails
My favorite Mike Fahey story is second hand. He was at Comic-Con, sometime before 2011. He and McWhertor were down there together. Mike had saved up his dough to buy a bunch of toys from the floor and I guess he went there after the panels were done on Saturday. McWhertor came back to the room and found Mike laying on…
Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.
Last weekend I recorded this cover of my favorite song from Undertale. It was a fun process that gave me a new appreciation for people who make videos like this. Hope you like it! If I ever make another one, I promise it’ll have better lighting.
You know what would of been so fucked up but hilarious. If they had played the Season 3 Episode 1 audio for all the shows being shown tonight til 12. <_< So people would get to see all their shows but. . . with the same audio.
So part 2 of Adult Swim’s April Fools looks to be a night showing absolutely nothing but this episode over and over and over and over. Which kinda sucks considering I wanted some Samurai Jack.