
GIT GUD and it won’t matter.

Cue a motherfucking shitload of people bitching about not being able to get there, this weekend or for many weekends to come when this sort of thing is classic MMO tactics. And as I have nothing else to add as I’ve already opened the door and the hoards will be coming, screaming bloody murder about walled off content,

Destiny, a video game in which you travel space saying “holy shit House of Wolves is amazing!”

THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE: How to respond when reading about a total shitbag on the internet.

The evil, reptilian part of my brain goes, “Kill him! Tear him apart! Rip out his ribs one by one while he screaaaaaams!”

The good, human part of my brain that my parents raised to be a decent fellow instead says, “This is horrible.

Incidentally, this is also how I feel about ordering at Moe’s. Bag of Donuts? Earmuffs? I want tex mex, not mysterious nouns.

I love this thread.

Oh, god. Those buckets of liquid egg slop. I worked in a bakery, and when the buckets were empty, they went out in the alley. In July and August, the smell by midday was beyond words. Give me shelled or give me coroner’s paste.

Those sound amazing, can’t wait to try it! I would have tried to figure it out too.

With “The. Fuck.” in the middle.

When I was 17, for approximately 30 seconds, I waitressed at a place that only used easy eggs with not a real egg in sight. So a guy insists on having sunny-side up eggs, which I tell him we don’t serve. He insists I go check, so I go to the kitchen, ‘check’ and come back. This goes back and forth for a while with the

These remind me a bit of home fries, just a little more refined. Definitely will try.

OK, Dude. That’s just WRONG. You have to give us the recipe for your breakfast potatoes.

How did you do the potatoes?

What? Did you boil them? Use lard? It’s no fair teasing us like this!

The only correct response to that is “Get. Out.”


oh, burn!!!