At least with Papa John’s he wears his idiocy on his sleeve, with this Pizza Hut it was a surprise.
At least with Papa John’s he wears his idiocy on his sleeve, with this Pizza Hut it was a surprise.
I hate myself for laughing uncontrollably
*high five*
I had an awesome veggie tempura bowl at a sushi place in Oakhurst CA. I want to say sweet potato, onion, broccoli, and then the sweet surprise of tomato wedges.
This is what ethics in food journalism looks like.
This whole story delivers...
You still get a lot for that...
If you’re not totally sold, wait until Comet/Taken King drops in September, rumors are it will be a GOTY style edition including the first two expansions. This isn’t 100% confirmed, but no need to rush if you’re unsure.
I think it dropped for me last night on the 32 PoE but I was so tired I don’t know for sure, I need to check my vault
Your super meter constantly fills during the relic assault, with 6 times damage you can alternate in golden gun shots between regular attacks and still have a full super after...
Bungie is way ahead of you, every match you get reassigned to different competitors. They gave some BS “so you won’t keep getting beat by the same guys” BS but we all know it was to stop match fixing.
I will likely never make it there, and I am totally okay with that.
Hell and yes, the new gear and perks are fun, the new missions are fun, the new bounties are fun, PoE is fun, I’m sure ToE is fun but I’m at work damnit...
I got it last night and looking forward to seeing what kind of damage it does to Aetheon
“Like our chicken nuggets, she’s all breast...”
OK, ok