
Yeah, not a happy ending at all, Kirk. Just another "victory" for malcontents and people who can't tolerate anything beyond their own narrow worldview. Indies are supposed to be champions of breaking boundaries and pushing games forward as an artform. Caving like this is a big step in the wrong direction.

Fucking stop. Seriously.

Deforestation, Ocean Acidification & Ever decreasing Crop Yields MOVE ASIDE!

Now playing

Writing on your disk is nothing new. It's how I've been able to get every new Call of Duty sequel.

Now playing

This is still my favourite parody version

Wow, fuck whatever new autoplaying ads are now on this site. Seriously, any ad that autoplays with video and/or sound is fucking shit.

The post was to state to never underestimate a weaker opponent. This should be common knowledge by now @_@

I didn't ask for this

And now for a one-off comic from Niel Cicierega. Unfortunately, her talented and really cute sister did not drew it.

And what about fighting games?


Uh nope, boring song and not catchy at all...

I'm pretty sure it will be cheaper quite fast. Wasn't able to maintain its original price point on other platforms as well...

Return of the Jedi

And yet it will still shoot its attacks out of its mouth >_>

The art of using negative space I believe is called Notan?

Meanwhile in America:

I'm not one to complain much, but Kotaku goes out of their way to insult everything Microsoft and Xbox One related. I'm a male in my late 20's and I love Peggle, it came installed on my Xbox 360 arcade originally, not just ladies or grandmothers play it.

MH3U for all your ridiculous bow and arrow needs?