I played the game all the way through on iOS, and I have to say it probably handles micro-transactions better than 99% of games on the Appstore, and I definitely recommend it at only $1.50.
I played the game all the way through on iOS, and I have to say it probably handles micro-transactions better than 99% of games on the Appstore, and I definitely recommend it at only $1.50.
THAT'S what his avatar is!?
I'm genuinely impressed by what they were capable to squeeze out of the current-gen consoles.
Oh yay, adblock. >_>
On a sidenote who else is sick of Wartune ads? Seriously when people talk about sexism in video games they should look at that as an example.
idunno. Passho Berry?
Then 3d print some ketchup or something to put on it.
WOAH. Did not see that one coming. I'll see if I can edit the rest out.
Shane Roberts Moneysaver Deals Dealtaku PC Mac Indie Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Wii U Playstation Vita 3DS iOS Android Xbox One Tech Hardware 9/24/13 2:15pm Yesterday 2:15pm Edit28,324g 1139L E Share to Kinja jFacebook iTwitter kTumblr K Moneysaver: Everything Saints Row IV, G700s, G19s, Das Keyboard, PS+ Regardless of…
It's a nice jacket.
So can anyone who played the original tell me if there was any music from any FF spin-off games, specifically Crystal Chronicles? Because I really wanted to get the original, but then I remembered that I've only played 1/4 of FF6 and most of Crystal Chronicles. Was there any music from Chrono Trigger or Kingdom Hearts?
I feel for ya, I'm in the same position.
Hey. Hey remember kindergarten? Remember when you were taught two wrongs don't make a right? Remember that?
I see no reason to enjoy the fact that less people will have the chance to enjoy what you do.
He's not happy because it's coming to PC, he's happy because people that don't have a gaming PC can't play it.
Why are you happy about that?
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. That is a really cool name for a game, it sounds like the title of a really old mystery novel.
Huh, didn't know there was a Nintendo Direct today.
Infinity Blade II was where the series really came to life. Fully-voiced characters, a gem aumentation system for weapons, and a strong story bolstered by a novel from fantasy author Brandon Sanderson (Infinity Blade: Awakening), it felt more like a real game than a centerpiece.
What the hell are they thinking!?