
One more character!? Ok, so let's be real here: it'll be that derp Kiddy Kong. I REALLY hope it's Lanky Kong, but it I know it won't be Lanky Kong... I hope it's at least Funky Kong.

I hope it doesn't mean these games are just going to be dreams.

I fucking love Miyamoto.

The original Wind Waker is still sooo beautiful, why remake that one in HD? If anything they should have remade Twilight Princess, it would have helped out a lot with repeating grass textures and jags.

Oh Monolith Soft, how I love thee.

Fire Emblem: Awakening and Etrian Odyssey 4 both say hi.

Shitty scripted trash talk is one thing, but you don't need to freak out about what they're saying. Who DOESN'T make obscenely over-the-top not-ok statements when they're playing games with their friends!?

What's with the two line title on the home page?

Ok, I thought this was going to be retarded, but after seeing that reveal trailer, that is FUCKING EPIC.

Yeah this is definitely looking like a WiiS4 (or PS-U?) generation for me too.

Calendar Man.

Because Kingdom Hearts, and the KH fanbase is tied with Mother as the most dedicated video game fanbase.

What is Mad Max and should I be excited for this?

Yeah, but it's a trapezoid, WOOOH!

I'm excited for Rayman Legends, but when are they going to make a new 3D Rayman game?

Doesn't the fact that them being plants has nothing to do with the gameplay take away from the novelty of PvZ?

Oh god, there making you go blind for a second when you go into a bright area. That is literally the most annoying thing in FPSes.

Yeah I'm ok with this. My only legitimate concern is the generic character design and color palette, but otherwise it's fine.

Oh c'mon. The human character models are a bit flat, but it looks fine.

Y'know when I saw that trailer for the first time, by balls literally tingled.