I was pretty interested until I actually went to see the price. $700+ dollars to play some video games? No thanks.
I was pretty interested until I actually went to see the price. $700+ dollars to play some video games? No thanks.
No Johanns, you are /figuratively/ literally shooting at people.
Not enough eagles baking apple pie.
This transformer better be the grumpy jet that uses nunchuks!
I'd say more like "extremely heavily inspired" (yeah I know it's the same company), though I do like imagining the Mother and Pokemon universe were actually related. Ever seen that thread on Starmen.net where people try to connect the stories of Mother 3 and Pokemon B/W? S'Good: http://forum.starmen.net/forum/Games/Mo…
Better have ready the "NO FEET!" articles.
My keyboard just reached maximum sticky levels.
The blue bar at the top of a video made think it was a Nintendo video for a second.
Not really seeing a problem here. All the characters are over-the-top. The dudes are super muscley, and the women are made to be overly hot (or is that too taboo to say?). Not every game needs grounded characters with grounded designs. Think movies: they'll always be smart, intelligent movies, and they'll always be…
Creating the D-Pad, the four face button standard, shoulder buttons, bringing motion controls into the mainstream, almost every Zelda game being a masterpiece with a whole new story and setting yet basing it off the same initial concept (regular boy saves princess from evil force), you get the deal.
Fancy Pants. God I love Fancy Pants.
Let's hope this one will actually be hard.
These Xbox 720 rumors are getting interesting. It seems that, from what we've heard, the PS4 will target more of the teenager/20-30 year old with all it's social functions, and the 720 will be for more of the 30+ crowd with all it's TV features. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. IDK.
Apparently people that want to save 3 cents?
So THATS how you pronounce otaku!