
Anyone else think that carrying case looks REALLY bulky for what's put into it?

*Removes glasses* My God... Nintendo just made ALL the moneys...

Ok ok, same scenario, except he duct taped himself to the rocket.

Wow, this game looks gorgeous!

Good or bad, it'll still be fun to watch.

Some of these pokemon designs are gorgeous!

The Wii U is one generation ahead of 360/PS3, whether you consider the it to be next-gen and prior consoles to be current gen, or by saying it's current gen and prior consoles are last gen.

I know right! Generations are determined by time, not by power.

There different, but I think you'd like it. AC doesn't have the character depth of HM, and it has a different sort of atmosphere, but it's more focused on customizability, more random elements, and multiplayer.

Maybe you're thinking of Mario 64 ground-pounding.

I am a scoundrel and a fool. They are INDEED snowballs.

That would make more sense.

Agreed. The ones where someone hits their head or the one where their balls are lit on fire is just awful. The one where the guy throws eggs at the girl doesn't even look painful, just really cold-hearted.

Didn't Megatron turn into a revolver? Maybe it was another handgun.

I didn't grow up with this book, should I still take a look at it?

I wonder if they'll ever make a compilation game a few years later.

How does thou do?

Oh my gosh that's amazing.

Kirby is androgynous. Kiros Seagill from Final Fantasy VIII (google it seriously) is androgynous. Link is just "boy".

That's not androgynous, that's anime trait inheritance.