I think it'd be way funnier having them embrace the name.
I think it'd be way funnier having them embrace the name.
By trick you mean spam Din's Fire with green potion to spare?
I believe the US has tried to switch over multiple times, but people just didn't accept it.
I kind of want to see board games on the Wii U. Imagine what they could do with a virtual Settlers of Catan!
At first the story will be bland and uninteresting, but believe me, the game's story only gets better as the it progresses.
Super C on the 3DS? YUS!
The question is if what they will call the new game. Maybe they'll cop out and just call it SMUniverse, or do SMG3, or do something entirely new! Knowing Nintendo's history, it's probably the latter.
Looks more like crotchet.
I'm sure they'd respect the original source.
Don't use an evil laugh, that's just douchey.
The 3DS VC let's you save a state and load it at any time, even if you turn the system off.
Good: Coming to all home systems.
What a generic, boring game.
When I think "360" I think running in circles with no actual progress being done. Fitting.
Way too minimalist, I can barely distinguish it from random symbols.
I saw this Kokiri Forest map once. It was pretty cool.
Well TECHNICALLY a lot of those dragons aren't dragons. Every dragon in Skyrim for example, is a wyvern.
Did they just use footage from New Super Mario Brothers U to show that Mario got big in the NINETIES?