
These are so old...

Robo butt: Taking you to the future of flatulence!

Why do I think this would still have been an article if Apple denied it?

Now all we need is a device to automatically change there diapers...

And the next generation of fetishes has been ushered...

Bullet Storm for $9.99 is a lovely deal.

So glad it's for all 4 platforms.

The Mario games, and the Sonic Advance games, and Pokemon games, and the Mega Man Zero games, and the Final Fantasy games, and... is that... it is! Mother 3, top-middle! I love the GBA so much.

That list image is hilarious.

Can someone explain what that mean in layman's terms? Are they saying the design of the CPU is irregular and can't be directly compared to other systems?

Isn't that a little overpowered? I know every weapon can kill in under a second, but still.

Sweet! I missed out on getting it on Steam for 2$, so I guess I'll just wait until that version comes out. twinstick shooting AND local co-op!

I don't know why, but Google just seems to have trouble making YouTube apps for ANY platform.


Does anyone know if there is a way to get a PC that'll run new games for 5 years without spending over a thousand dollars? (and without building one, not everyone is that tech-savvy)

If this game took itself seriously I would've bought it.

So what makes Monaco so hospitable?

What's with the glaring? Brawl was online too.

Clearly they're hinting at Fruit Ninja Wii U.

I wasn't particularly impressed until they showed off those crazy water graphics.