
Burnout Paradise could have been a great game. If only it had local multiplayer...

I think you can replace NSMB2 with something else. Maybe Fire Emblem: Awakening or some other RPG.

I got really worried when I heard Spoony left Channel Awesome, glad he's still doing his thing though.

So I listened to the loading screen music. It's the exact same notes from the beginning of "Corridors of Time" from Chrono Trigger.

What a shame, my budget is $1,000,002.99. Friggin' shipping being so expensive.

So how much will NSMB: U cost on it's own? Are you potentially getting free clothes with the game?

I love the taste of justice in the morning.

Are you SERIOUSLY kidding me!? I learned this literally 10 years ago! This is not new information!

All that plastic...

What do you mean by that? How does a game being for PC stop screen cheating? If anything, local multiplayer on a PC is worse than consoles, with the smaller shared screen and the need for both an extra keyboard AND mouse.

Would it surprise you more if the baby DIDN'T have a penis?

If you do plan on getting a 3DS, get the XL. Believe me, it's so much more comfortable to use.

The cosplayers have already decided Link is apparently a girl, may as well change the game accordingly. (joke)

Nailed it on the head.

Let's see, forest world, desert world, snow world, ANOTHER FOREST WORLD, swamp world, beach world, cloud world, mountain world, castle. I like that the levels kind of shift into each other in a smooth way, but goddamn give us something new!

The moment the chat system was announced I worried about this.

Pretty sure having an Xbox 360 connected to the internet for 140+ hours would cost at least $7.50 in electricity. Just throwin' it out there.

Oh god, it's the PSP and 3DS piano black all over again!

Why so cynical?

Is... is this a good thing?