
In regards to the sofa comment - MANY PC gamers use wireless keyboards and mice in their laps or on conveniently-placed coffee tables. And quite a bit use controllers too.

First part of your comment is not true. PC gaming is actually cheaper:

No problem, I understand. And yeah, comments in this article can be...uneducated and infuriating.

This is not true at all. If you buy the right card, even a mid-range one, you can play any PC game for many, many years. You won't be able to maximize settings, of course, but consoles can't do that either - they play everything on low-medium, at resolutions BELOW 720p.

Halo Wars did not do well on the market and its servers were shut down. It's inevitable - for proper strategy gaming, you need a keyboard. It's really a pain without it. I'm a hardcore strategy gamer, and when I tried Halo Wars with some strategy-gaming friends, we all detested the controls immensely.

I don't dislike the console gamers (for the most part), but I am no fan of console gaming.

Well to be honest, about the 1080p thing - I game at 1920x1200. Don't have much of a reason to go higher up on the resolution scale, especially because I have an obsession with maxing out games - and to do that with resolutions like end up spending a strange amount of money. I'm running a GTX 680, so I

While the author is a bit inaccurate in saying "anything," it should be noted that consoles miss out on almost all strategy games. And there's hundreds of them, of different kind (RTS, TBS, 4X, etc.). That's an entire genre missing from consoles. PC does at least have its hands in every genre.

No problem! And agreed again - I would not enjoy gaming as much as I do if it weren't for mods. That's mandatory for me. No way around it. I used to mod extensively, and have ModDB bookmarked...and I visit it daily, haha.

Personally I dislike Nintendo's games. So this argument is null and void for me. But if that's what you like, aside from emulators, there's clearly only one choice for you.

Could not agree more! Especially with that last part - that's the fun of PC gaming - learning about hardware and just becoming more educated! It's quite empowering to tell technology what's up, not have it baffle you every day!

I think my other comment on this article summarizes any response I have to your reply (I'm lazy, haha, don't want to retype stuff!):

Could not agree more with this article. Spot on.

Actually that's completely false. You can build a gaming PC today for $300 which will kick any console in the teeth, and with a GPU that's rumored to be in the next-gen consoles.

No problem with the violence. What I do have a problem with his really gross stuff like detailed decapitations and other cringe-worthy stuff.

Apex Launcher.

Completely agreed. The GOP will wreck this great nation, as they seem intent to do, especially on the local/state level.

LOL, I see. Much appreciated. :D


Yeah, I know, it's just something I have to do every once in a while.