
Umm? Personally I find ASUS, Samsung, and Sony laptops to be much nicer physically - and their internals blow away Apple laptops for much cheaper. Besides, I'm not even familiar with plastic casing on many quality laptops.

"Best Laptop Ever?" I personally don't think so, not by any stretch of the imagination. The hardware specs are NOT special at all, screen aside (you can get a laptop with identical specs for $1200, and something which trounces this for less than $1400). This is an entirely subjective label, and you're throwing it out

No, it's not the same spec (the $94 one is 1333MHz), but at $114 you get the same spec (1600MHz) at 16GB - this is Apple charging $200 for 8GB.

No - $200 for 8GB. It's already starting at 16GB. And low-voltage RAM exists for other RAM sets - compare the prices to regular-voltage - difference is minimal. By no means would the price escalate to the $200 Apple charges.

You caught me red-handed. :P

I hate CoD, I would never do that.

What the fuck are you harping on about? I like games...and? I'm laying out objective facts here. Take them or leave them. The article was full of inaccuracies, not just this mislabeling of a "good deal."

Yes, you're totally correct. But the attitude of "oh well, this is how Apple does it" only encourages them to keep on with the scamming. It'd be nice if people threw more of a fit over things like these so firms wouldn't continue to shaft consumers.

I did. Look at the comments. I previously kept thinking it was $200 for 16GB. It's actually $200 for 8GB.

It's actually $200 for 8GB - you're upgrading from 8GB to 16GB. So it's much worse than I previously perceived.



Well one can buy 16GB of RAM for $94. This is $200 for 8GB on top of the already-8GB.


Just realized something. That 8GB of RAM is already there. This is $200 for 8GB more.

Actually, the 8GB of RAM is already there. This is $200 for 8GB more.

That's not your only completely incorrect statement. How about "Spinning drives are actually faster than SSDs for mass media archives?"

Solved, and it's still cheaper than Canada:

So? I'm calling out the bullshit in the article and the complete factual inaccuracies. I didn't say if the laptop was for me or not. In fact, I never even mentioned anything of the sort.

Yeah this article is full of incorrect info.