
And...? You don't think they've fought? There are so many rebel organizations constantly creating problems for the Iranian government. You're just never exposed to this news.

Ah, O.K., I can agree with that.

You're a moron. Go read some history and news. Massive protests which were violently put-down is not "tolerating."

Such absurd bigotry and ignorance in the comments. When did it become acceptable to enthusiastically, and immorally, declare hate for an entire group just because a few of its members are total assholes?

Great bigotry there. There are extremists in every group. Hindutvas, crazy right-wing Christian fundamentalists, right-wing orthodox Jews, etc.

Great bigotry there. Sadly you're not the only one, but I wish you'd all cease to exist.

No that's not true, as much as I wish it were - the engine can handle that, yes, but ME3 is still going to be running on DirectX 9.0c technology. People were begging for DirectX 11 graphics, but BioWare stood by keeping it at its DirectX 9c usual self.

You are mistaken. Consoles have held back innovation so much that all of the Mass Effect games are still running on DirectX 9 graphics...because that's the best consoles can do.

Fail article is epic failure. How in the world can you associate that with homophobia? You're just LOOKING for it. Where it isn't.

Both Steam and Origin have offline modes...

I believe this is leaving out the HUGE Maoist insurgency in India - they have control of the "Red Corridor." It also doesn't have the terrifying insurgency in Balochistan, Pakistan. Both of these things are BIG deals.

Yes it is. Don't listen to the console defenders who propagate otherwise:

I mean customization in hardware. And for me the resolution is still too small - poor pixel density.

That's only one of the requirements and the weakest one. No customization, and no keyboard/mouse = no buy. Not to mention, that screen resolution is AWFUL!

Sorry, but this is NOT the future of PC gaming. In fact, this avoids having any of the things that PC gamers NEED - customization, mouse/keyboard, and well, an OS to support programs like Steam/Origin/Impulse.

This post was remarkably informative. Appreciate it, thanks!

I'm guessing this is IPS or PVA?


This isn't really BioWare. It's Victory Games, renamed to BioWare Victory, because adding BioWare to stuff allows one to have a license to print money.

Of course I'm biased, haha. I abhor all things CoD, and objectively speaking, BF3 currently has the best graphics engine - Crysis 2 beats certain graphical components in a few areas, but Frostbite 2.0 has the majority of areas under its dominance.