Superiority complex attitude? I'm not boasting. I'm just posting the facts in regards to the misinformation being spread in the comments.
Superiority complex attitude? I'm not boasting. I'm just posting the facts in regards to the misinformation being spread in the comments.
I trust you've read the Republic Commando books? This scene was well-captured in there too.
Oh shit, you went there!
Consoles not getting Steam sales is making my point for me.
You read none of these comments. They address all your concerns.
Two RRoDs here myself. Once I got really into PC gaming I swore off consoles.
Interesting. Most of mine will be playing on Origin.
All of it. Read the other comments.
Untrue - you can get Windows 7 for anywhere from $30-$50 if you know where to look. One example of the top of my head is anyone with a .edu address - $30. Hell, I got it free from my university.
You really avoided thinking as you typed this out, didn't you? Virtually everything you said has a remedy, or is blatantly false.
To each his/her own then. BTW, basically all PC games support controllers.
No problem! It needed to be shown!
Yeah, I agree. But then again, the PS3 and Xbox 360 are made with some absurdly crap-quality parts! RRoD anyone?
Umm, the GT 220 is a VERY weak card. That is the problem in your build. The GPU I posted crushes the GPUs in both consoles.
In the case.
Don't forget that mouse and keyboard rock - the gameplay changes due to them. Additonally, 64-player maps on PC.
No, everyone says its more expensive. That's always been the argument. Read the comments here or on any console vs. PC article.
I never said minimum. I said medium, in fact. And that's better than what consoles can do (they can't even go beyond 720p - most recent console games are less than 720p).
LOL, I myself was like "wow - this man is going to be displeased when he finds out the truth."
Haha, yeah, buyer's remorse, right?