Apple copies just as much as everyone - hell, they got the chiclet keys off Sony, who got it off God-knows-whom. Look at Totes McGotes below mine. They weren't the first with this color scheme at all.
Apple copies just as much as everyone - hell, they got the chiclet keys off Sony, who got it off God-knows-whom. Look at Totes McGotes below mine. They weren't the first with this color scheme at all.
If I could promote this, I would. Apple copies just as much as everyone - hell, they got the chiclet keys off Sony, who got it off God-knows-whom.
I hate Ayn Rand's "objectivism" and naive approach to the world (not to mention, downright cynical) as much as anyone with common sense. That being said, it should be noted that Ayn Rand herself hated conservatism. Ironic, no?
I played the first and disliked it severely. Nothing but hack-and-slash - no weapons, vehicles, etc. Too casual. The second was the worst game I've ever played in my life.
I'm aware. But still. Nothing good even licensed by LA since 2005.
I used to mod for them, I used to go by the name Majin Revan.
JO and JA are part of the reason I ever had faith in LucasArts (the others being SWRC, KotOR, and earlier SW games). But now every time I see reminders of the good old days, I just attain immense hatred of LucasArts.
I think this article is biased, doesn't get the point of PC enthusiasts (believe me, we know we're in the minority - and somewhat proud of it), and lacking serious sources.
As a proud and staunch liberal who hates all things conservative - I don't like this. This is in very poor taste, and quite frankly, reeks of something conservatives would do (or rather, have done, in multiple forms - I recall a killing game of prominent liberals in the past, I cannot remember the name).
Am I the only one who hates this concept of dressing "formally?"
Good riddance! I recall several Gizmodo articles on computer reliability, and HP was the winner in most failures. By a LOT. Acer trailed HP.
Is this more blatant Gizmodo Apple bias? I don't see the resemblance. At all. And my father has two Apple notebooks in this house, so I'm very familiar with the looks.
Contrary to what this article states, that GPU is not fantastic. Nothing more than a low-mid-range gaming GPU.
I AGREE! I tried Chrome for a while and got sick of it. It's WAY too simplified. I don't want simple. I don't want dumbed-down. I want control and customizability. I'm a tech enthusiast, not a technologically-illiterate mainstream user.
I get what you're saying, and I agree, to an extent. Fact of the matter is, the way it was worded for her was pretty clearly different from just distrusting these aliens' governments, because of some fear that they are working against the Alliance.
Yeah, I went to OSU for undergrad. Currently taking a year off before law school, so I'm sitting in Kent.
I also fell for it. That's not really hear. Go to the main page for that Twitter account.
I need to ask. Who are you? I'm also in Kent, Ohio. Born and raised here. Didn't go to KSU though. I logged in just to ask this, because I've never encountered a single person online who is from my city (since it isn't huge).
I'm generalizing, I know. But to me, and to many others, any distrust in a different ethnic group (or in this case species), especially out of generalizations, is just a milder form of racism/xenophobia/bigotry.