Eh. LucasArts sucks and is the worst video game company out there right now.
Eh. LucasArts sucks and is the worst video game company out there right now.
@Dr. Nemmo: That's beyond epic and awesome. I've seen several people actually go ahead with this, and it ends up looking phenomenal with a see-through desk.
Why are you hating on this and the creativity put into it?
Surprised to not see a mention of America's Army. I don't play it, but it's definitely popular.
@Justin: Initially the apps made for the iPad weren't - they were upscaled iPhone apps. This quickly changed, and it can quickly change for the Galaxy Tab as well.
This is one of the most poorly done reviews I have ever seen. Half of the things that are being criticized ALSO apply to the iPad, but aren't criticized.
This is one of the least believable stories I have ever encountered. The Wizard of Oz is more likely.
@powel212: This is my choice also...but I'm a bleeding-heart, big-government, GOP-hating liberal.
@steev-sama: Well, regarding the article, I don't think piracy can be blamed as it's very difficult to get a pirated copy of a game working online (especially BC2 or games like it) - and I believe the metrics used are based on online players. Actually, they just released a new patch for PC-only yesterday, that seems…
Isn't "best" supposed to be subjective?
@steev-sama: Whoops, I mixed up sales and actual players. This actually matters though, because retainment is a big deal for financial success and future purchases:
@steev-sama: I honestly couldn't care less what many or the majority like - I'll readily admit to being an elitist. Few people do assess Battlefield series to be non-innovative or recycled, compared to the CoD series (which even Activision has admitted is, because that's their business style).
@reducks: Good point. Agreed.
@steev-sama: Yes, they're all evil.
@rich8606: Dear God, please NEVER become a CEO. Otherwise people will be forced to pray for your demise as well.
I would enjoy watching this man get beaten up. Just being honest here.