According to the woman in the unmarked car who pulled him over because she got her feelings hurt when she couldn’t successfully block him from merging into traffic from an on-ramp.
According to the woman in the unmarked car who pulled him over because she got her feelings hurt when she couldn’t successfully block him from merging into traffic from an on-ramp.
Yes, I agree with you. But why did they make up the caffeine charge instead of just giving him a ticket for reckless driving?
Reckless driving does NOT equal DUI.
I would like an assessment of Obama’s leisure time compared to other presidents.
You get that from the Blaze or Breitbart?
I know some Jalops don’t want to hear it. But as someone who is old enough to remember the brown clouds and inversions from the 70's and 80's anything that slows Trump from being able to allow automakers to sell guzzling spewers without checks or balances is completely alright with me.
If the neighbors care so much, they should fucking move. Jesus Christ. And they are probably the same people that bitch about regulations being overbearing and encroaching on their “freedom”. I hope he counter sues and during the whole trial he is wears a Hawaiian shirt, drinking mimosas, then after a long day in the…
C’est la vie~
Why should anyone be tolerant of hateful, misogynistic, idiotic regressive ideas and policies?
Trump supporters are always saying any story critical of the Donald Trump is hate speech. Can you show me exactly where in this story the hate speech is? I can’t find it. I’d really like to know so I can identify it in other stories.
Tolerance for dip****s like Trump? No thanks!
Understand that there is no difference between “ anti-Trump” and “ Anti-Stupid”. Its fair to say many human don’t exactly care for stupidity and thus rationale to express displeasure over such things.
Rage on, my friend, rage on. But please do it *over there*, we have work to do...
Get used to it. You guys chose the wrong person to lead this country and if you think the rest of the country is going to sit back and be ok with the dumbfuckery you just chose then you would be very mistaken.
I dislike the Trump posts for a whole host of other reasons, but a lot of y’all are acting brand-fucking-new about Gawker media’s political leanings.
How about you get the NSX, I’ll get the Porsche, we can share and be best friends.
Oh my!
Disagree. The Diesel in the Volvo was one of Volkswagen’s monstrosities. Everything that made VW’s diesels implode in the day did so in these as well, and I love diesels.
Start a LeBaron spec racing series.