
Damn thats oddly similar to me as of now lol (awesome username btw). I have an M56 with a Quaife LSD sitting in a box in my garage waiting to go into my V70. Sadly my list of other parts I’m wanting to replace/upgrade at the same time seems to be constantly getting longer....and longer..... Started with “Oh, I could

“Jesus, what happened to me.”
Life man, life....

Hahahahaha Fair enough. Seems to be a fair bit of similarities within the Volvo clan!

You and me both! The later years, in R design with colored matched trim still make me stare real hard. Hopefully one day!

“Teenage me would be furious”
Lmao! Im thinking thats well said lol 

LMAO! That is so perfectly said. I always joke that it spread like an infection from me to all my friends. Within 2 years went from 1 wagon between 4 friends and now its something like 9 cars currently owned by us 4 lol. Not quite sure what it is that is so alluring haha.

God I love that lol. It all seems so normal now, but it is pretty funny to look back at it like that. Kind of makes you go “holy crap!” lol. You have surely strayed a little further from the norm than me ;)

Fucking Volvos. Any of them lol.

The title of this article is perfect. I have played it off an on for years now, with my favorite stretch of playing oddly enough being over the past year or so. My girlfriend LOVES it, like really really loves it and she is not a gamer in the traditional sense of the word.

I know this is only one example and thus not law, but my Mother is a teacher of elementary kids. She HATES some of them and says such, but I can never, ever imagine her calling a kid a fucking little bastard let alone some cruel bullshit like this story, in the teachers lounge or not.

Did you honestly expect me to disagree or get angry at that statement? Yes, 100% fuck that asshole. You will get no complaints from me on that one.

AWD can do magical things

The engine is rather good. I suppose it depends on what you are used to, but it is pretty reasonable in stock form and pretty damn fun when tuned.

Not sure which people will say they care about less: Volvo or a nurburgring lap time lol.

“Chatman was sentenced to five years’ probation.”
I guess I’m not mind blown by that? I am much more shocked he did NOT spend any time in jail what so ever. I would fully expect to spend time in jail for that and I’m white as snow living in an incredibly liberal area. 

“fuck white people.”
Fuck stupid, ignorant fucking people like you who throw out bullshit, sweeping statements. Fuck stupidity

“So, maybe there’s hope for some people.”

I know I have said this before but... I loved my Volvo V70 T5 right up until the moment when a homeless man ran out from behind a car turning left, right as I entered the intersection travel at the legal speed limit of 35.

“Yeah I took that shot across the bow, deal with it.”
hahahaha aaaah shit, you went there! You are so damn right about the cars full of shoppers, you can always tell by how low the cars are riding. I live in Bellingham, so I am sadly all too familiar with the Costco fiasco, I drive past that shit everyday 

“These guys in super cars stuck out like a sore thumb out there. “
That was my thought. To be keeping that kind of speed for anything more than a burst, they had to be weaving through traffic pretty damn good...