With Dragon Age Inquisition it's because it's on a third party engine who are apparently extremely anti-modding and wouldn't allow BW to share a toolkit
With Dragon Age Inquisition it's because it's on a third party engine who are apparently extremely anti-modding and wouldn't allow BW to share a toolkit
Thou shalt not claim thy game is 'made for PC gamers by PC gamers' and release a broken game, fuck you Bioware.
Thou shalt let your developers choose what game engine they want to make their game on, fuck you EA for forcing Bioware to use the Frostbite Engine thereby making all Bioware games from Dragon Inquisition…
You can have a username on 4chan if you want, but most people are anon, they have a derogatory homophobic term for people with usernames
From what I've heard the FBI do monitor the more toxic 4chan boards
And if they're anon how do you know how many of them are people agreeing with their own comments?
In case anyone thinks http://www.reddit.com/r/eyebleach is horrifying due to the name, it's actually a subreddit full of cute pictures to coo over when you've had enough of the horror of the internet.
But dare insult their pony waifu and they throw a fit. Apparently one of the pony voice actors went on 4chan and insulted her character anon because she's a massive troll
There's been a couple of murders linked to Facebook in the past, but I've only heard of that guy posting a pic of his murder victim onto FB
Wait what? Someone got arrested for counterfeit couponing? Don't the police have better things to be doing with their time?
Reddit doesn't have shit sprinkled all over though, you should check out /r/aww which is basically pics of cute animals. There's some heartwarming stuff from there too, like a father asking for a pic of his deceased daughter without tubes all over her so they'd have one pic of her looking like a regular baby whilst…
Depends on where you go, the Mass Effect General thread wasn't a cesspit and it was generally OK to admit you were a woman there.
The Reddit Mass Effect board is great, someone posts a picture of a cosplayer, another poster makes a fat joke about said cosplayer, comment gets thumbed down and then mods come down like a…
There was something about them saving an abused cat named Dusty a couple of years ago.
Also I think Happy Snake might have come from 4chan
Pretty sure Elsa never wore head gear like that in Frozen, also that isn't Elsa's dress
Male pregnancy fics have existed for years, I remember a fic where Elrond was constantly knocking up Legolas and another elf referred to him as Pregolas, but that's the only MPreg I can ever recall reading
I do remember Star Trek Enterprise having canon MPreg though, an alien woman knocked up a male crew member
Oh gawd, I'm reminded of an mpreg fanfic where one of the other elves referred to Legolas as 'Pregolas' in a derogatory fashion
No, it's not
Then don't take your kids to age-inappropriate panels...
Many conventions have adult-only panels, I go to one where anyone can go (and people bring their kids), they have adult only panels and you need ID to get into the panels
It doesn't look comfy...
That would by why the kid is asleep in the costume
Can't you read? You assume that because a kid is dressed as Ezio that means the kid is a boy, if you bothered to read the article you'd realise it's a girl
It seems to have been taken off Etsy