huh? 60 fps is a fine framerate and what im talking about has nothing to do with fps. im talking about the crappy colors and textures.
huh? 60 fps is a fine framerate and what im talking about has nothing to do with fps. im talking about the crappy colors and textures.
Why do all the screenshots and footage here look like a different game? Graphics look like crap here and the colors and muddy textures make this look like some cheap mmo in appearance
Gamestop should give this kid something for trying to help out so bravely. Or stupidly, whichever makes you feel more like a cool internet commenter.
Isnt every live sporting event with thousands of people like this when its all said and done
I think i got your point about half way thru and realized i felt exactly the way you wanted me to and decided TLDR show sucks so why drone on about it forever
genius design, this guys got skillz dawg
Gotta love everyone’s reaction to video tape instead of call for help in today’s world. Quick someone’s being attacked should we call the way man get your camera we can’t miss this!
i didn’t mean for long term i meant for alpha and beta phases. we see so many of these being paid to get in.
Its because of things like this that companies switch over to the pay to play alphas and other crap. why should they risk this leaks that hurt the final product. its not worth it for them.
i know you’re joking this whole time of course but there are a TON of people out there that have this train of thought and seriously believe in it.
sorry i didn’t use whatever PC term you wanted me to use to make you feel special. i’m pretty sure most people can read and understand the meaning. its not judging by any means. if you can’t understand the difference between fantasy and reality then there is something wrong.
Normal people know the difference between fantasy and reality. If someone can’t differentiate then they have a problem beyond any subject matter they are viewing.
im sure they can ban hackers and all that to an extent, that’s the usual for every game . it’s the exploiters that is going to be the death of the game as they have basically said here that there is no fix. they can only observe and react. there is no way they are going to spend the money to have people police the…
this guy went to college? wtf how can you be this stupid
So basicaly they are admitting they have no real way to stop exploits other than asking people to stop and then TRYING to police them if they do not. SO this means they will go on this weak campaign to appear as if they are policing the game but all the while know they cant cause it would require so much man hours to…
There is a difference in saying there was a “wreck” and saying this car is “wrecked” one implies there was an accident and the other implies the car is totaled. However I too am from the south if this matters. I suppose it would be somewhat similar to people from the north saying “Soda” and people from the south…
i wish i never read this
The only thing i got from this is that she can’t actually die for good, huge disappointment! Also this DLC, at least as it is shown here seems to be buggy as hell. I mean FULL OF FEATURES!
which was my point thanks. now we can wait for someone to reply and point out that there are traces of other crap in there blah blah blah
you can spew all the filaments you want but im still considering this a step above cardboard. lets cut the bs