
“Dying of starvation to own the libs.”

Someone needs to photoshop a Kleenex box or napkin dispenser full of prayer rugs.

Hopefully not Kentucky Bourbon... you can’t have McConnell’s constituents making money off the pain McConnell causes you.

It looks like they removed the listing from the web.

Well, before this whole fiasco, the CR passed the Senate unanimously, so one would think the votes are still there.  There are 21 Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020; I’m guessing at some point, self preservation would supersede fealty to Trump.

This.  The Senate can pass a bill and send it to the President, putting him into the position of signing it or vetoing it.  If he vetoes it, they can override his veto.  So do it already- call his bluff.  Then get McConnell out of office in 2020.

I filled it out, but it requires your name, phone number, and email address. There was no way I was going to give them all that info, and I didn’t feel like setting up a(nother) gmail account for Trump garbage.

But the survey itself is worth a read - the questions are SO loaded...

gets to keep his seat in the House, AND his Congressional pension, which is nothing to sneeze at. 

IIRC, wasn’t McConnell one of the ones that was briefed on the Russian efforts prior to the election, and refused efforts to call them out? they can afford the name brand beers. Besides- who are they trying to impress? They save the Budweiser and/or Coors for when they have company; otherwise Natural Light and/or Milwaukee’s Best gets the job done at a lower price!

“something the Trump administration and its defenders have routinely mocked

Smaller packages? Nah. Just attach a catapult to the border wall and fling bigger bundles into the U.S. (this really happened)

I mean, to be fair, of all the things he did say, unlike your cousin, he didn’t deny peeing in his pants.

My first thought upon seeing that touchscreen:

...while wearing a shirt with the text of the Fourth Amendment on it.

When he says that he would keep the shutdown going for months/years, I 100% believe him (which is a scary thought).”

If only she had friends like P.J. and Squi...

Seconded. I’d love for them to bring that back.

...and of course it’s aligned facing the camera.