
I’m just going to leave this here:

It would be further evidence that Trump is unfit to serve as president.”
I mean, if nothing so far has spurred Congressional Republicans to preserve any shred of decency they have left, to defend what’s left of the “Party of Lincoln”, what makes anyone think this will finally be the thing that spurs them into action?


I don’t know that the “rest of the country is waking up”; his base has remained infuriatingly consistent, believing anything and everything he says, even if it directly contradicts... something he said/tweeted last month / last week / yesterday. So many of them legitimately think he’s “doing a great job”, that he’s

Show and display exemption maybe?  C’mon, Honda - give us in the U.S. something like this, maybe as a modern day analogue to the Del Sol...

Well, Ducey still won reelection with 56% of the vote.  And they just voted down a water increase to pay for new infrastructure, despite projections of continued water shortages from the Colorado River in 2019...

Welcome to Arizona. A state that ranks 47th in the nation for education, and among the top 10 states most dependent on the federal government (receiving more from the feds than they contribute).

The longer I live in this state, the less I’m surprised at the counter intuitive choices they make.

Donald seems is deeply confused about both Twitter and numbers.

Fixed that for you. 

They have removed many names & greatly slowed the level and speed of increase.”

The speed and level of increase? Is he thinking that he should continue to pick up followers at the same rate, until everyone on Twitter follows him?

Insert “That’s not how any of this works” GIF.

I thought the part about don’t just go by meaningless numbers” was quite telling on several levels.  Remember how many times he revised his financial disclosure up?  

Good. Get mad. About everything. Spike that blood pressure. It’s only a matter of time before the aneurysm bursts.

^ I had this exact same thought when I heard a commercial advertising his attendance at a conference.

You forgot to add in an “alleged” or two like they do on the news. Payment to women who he allegedly had extramarital affairs with.

I said back in 2017 that Trump’s choice of words was telling, and that a hotel was a perfect way to hide “profits”, because what do you base “profit” on anyway- the Rack rate posted on the back of the door? So if you rent the room for less than that, you didn’t generate profit on that room, and Trump would not be

I’m thinking wearing “a high-visibility orange thing right in the middle of the chest” would be a tactical disadvantage, no? Not very smart a member of a tactical response team.

Also, the only way any of these idiots are going to learn is if the consequences of their actions impact them where it counts- their wallets

Yup.  And so many of them are outfitted in such  way that you know they aren’t used for work.

Well, when you put it that way... it is kind of telling that the people telling immigrants (online, behind a computer, from the safety of their keyboard) to “git outta mah country!” don’t have the actual stones to expose themselves to the actual situation at the border.

14 days... so he’ll be eligible for parole in what - 4, 5 days?

I tried to see what was up, and was greeted with an error message, stating, “This service is currently unavailable.”

I mean, the Republicans closed 868 polling places ahead of the 2016 election... they are now wondering how, in only two years, so many people figured out how to get valid ID (where required), located their new polling place, arranged transportation, and/or signed up for vote by mail (where available). Clearly, despite

Uh huh. And what would Fox News think about Republican politicians using taxpayer dollars to sleep, shower, etc. in their Government offices instead of paying for an apartment?