One can hope, though.
One can hope, though.
I feel like if Trump is going to call out Palm Beach County, then they should make his life a living hell. Any excuse to inspect/fine Mar-A-Lago, bill him back for police overtime from his frequent visits, etc. Even if half of it wouldn’t stick, just do it to get under his skin. Everything by the book, no exceptions.
Remember somewhere between your first point and your second point to fit in “close 868 polling places nationwide”.
I did, and wow. Out of the 33, 21 are Republicans.
No way Charlotte belongs that high on the list. I actively avoid connecting through Charlotte if at all possible. I regularly choose to connect through O’Hare over Charlotte.
His base struggles to walk and chew gum at the same time.
I feel like this is more apropos to Arizona, at least the last 10 years or so...
Hey, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County did what they needed to do. Blame the Panhandle, aka “South Alabama”.
They are all over Arizona as well. I’ve had to warn friends and family if they see a vehicle with a “III” sticker to give it a wide berth.
^ This. I’m stealing this and reposting it.
I heard her tout her previous experience as a “former flight attendant”, and rolled my eyes so hard I hurt myself.
What’s the over/under on how long it takes Joshua Feuerstein to figure out how to somehow be offended by one or more of these cups?
In the photo of the ‘accusation’ posted by Alexander Nazaryan, the accuser’s name changes (Carolyn/Carolyne0. They also blank out her friend’s name in section XVII, only to have section XVIII begin with the name they blanked out (‘Ms. Rosenstein’).
If Splinter had #COTD, this would be a front runner.
Thank you. That did not look like something thrown together at the last minute to me either.
Count all the crosshairs over people, and then tell me again how it’s only the left inciting violence.
Depends on a lot of factors, including the environment. I’ve heard from other owners that some of the components don’t do well in Arizona’s hot, dry climate. One of the seals on one of my main lift cylinders failed. It’s a first generation, so I can’t really be that mad. You could ostensibly repair/replace yourself,…
“Now, finding an SL of this generation for five grand is also not hard, but those are pretty much all automatics, and the ones that are three-pedal are firmly in the Bring A Trailer side of the car world.”
Raphael- as the second owner of a first generation manual transmission SLK, I beg to differ. I have one that’s…
That has not been my experience. My SLK is quite fun to row through the gears. YMMV.