
Not sure of the number, but I have one. It’s unusual enough that anyone I mention it to usually peeks through the window to confirm I’m not pulling their leg.

My goodness, that’s...horrifying that someone actually seriously believes that.

Upon reading the headline, my initial thought went to “this is what happens when you make ‘the media’ into the enemy”. Time will tell what the shooter’s motivations are, but I wouldn’t be surprised. 

Population of the United States: 325,700,000 (2017)

Where can I find one with a clean title that a tuner hasn’t “modded”?

My neighbor has an SL600 with the hardtop. I told him if he ever felt like selling it, to let me know.

Right place, right time, but I managed to pick up a one owner, very gently used first generation manual transmission SLK owned by a snowbird, which meant it was parked for half the year, every year. The biggest issues I had to deal with were sun damage and dry rot. Coming up on 20 years old, and still well under

You win, and apparently, I need to look harder, because they are out there.

I believe Blakkar is correct. I seem to remember back in the day a story about how the V10 came to life- that is was an answer from a non-car guy in charge of Dodge trucks in the mid to late eighties. If memory serves, complaints about the V8s being underpowered were answered with something along the lines of “then

This is the part that terrifies me. The Obama/Luther skit at the Correspondents’ Dinner was clearly a joke, it was recorded, and is up on YouTube.

Remember when Obama’s Anger Translator made the joke about running for a third term, and Obama said that he wasn’t going to do that? Ah, those were the days- a comedian, paid to make jokes, made a joke... as opposed to 2018, and it’s the POTECOTUS saying it, and, well... *stunnedface*

Thanks for saving me the click!

Am I the only one that will admit to actually owning the poster in the lead image?

The profit sharing you are pointing to is relatively straightforward. The maximum payout is $1,000 for every $1 billion in profit, so by pointing out the payout of (up to) $12,000, you’ve proven my point. And by the way, that $12,000 is a maximum; not every hourly worker will see 100% of that.

You stated, “Last year, General Motors made about nine and a half billion dollars in profit.

Men In Black. And a very accurate description of current events in 2017.

In 2016, they made $12 billion in profit, yes. It helps that they haven’t paid federal income tax since the bankruptcy, and won’t for another couple of years. They are also underfunding their pension. Account for those two, and that number would drop substantially.

Why is it people aren’t catching the ‘Pulp Fiction’ reference?

Trump supporters working hard to live up to that “basket of deplorables” moniker.