Honorable mention for 'Deadly Friend'? No flesh eating, but remote controlled. Plus, Kristy Swanson.
Honorable mention for 'Deadly Friend'? No flesh eating, but remote controlled. Plus, Kristy Swanson.
Actually, not true. They already have a Micro-USB to Lightning adapter they will be making available to Europe, so chances are they (or a 3rd party) will make them available here in the not-too-distant future.
Here you go: Micro-USB isn't smart or powerful enough for Apple.
Asked and answered: http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-iphone-lightning-vs-micro-usb-2012-9
Perhaps if the title of the video was "Pasty-Wearing Hula Hooping Girls", your expectations would have been better aligned.
The point is Apple has used the same dock connector since the iPod. They came out with the iPhone- dock connector. The iPad? Dock connector. For 9 years, across multiple product lines, Apple has used the same connector. The same can't be said about Samsung- or any other electronics manufacturer, really.
Yeah... then there's this: http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-iphone-lightning-vs-micro-usb-2012-9
Well played!
The point is Apple has used the same dock connector since the iPod. They came out with the iPhone- dock connector. The iPad? Dock connector. For 9 years, across multiple product lines, Apple has used the same connector. The same can't be said about Samsung- or any other electronics manufacturer, really.
Share with the class then!
But it was worth it, no?
Is it true what they say? 87% of statistics are made up, but 60% of the time, it works every time?
I've had two iPhones so far- a 3G, and a 4. I've wished for a removable battery exactly zero times. I've had phones with removable batteries prior to the iPhone. With the exception of cleaning them, I never removed the battery covers.
Impressive? Sure. More impressive than a GoPro mounted on a Hula Hoop at Burning Man? I don't know...
How about they just start with passing a budget? Something they haven't done in almost 4 years at this point.
If you are referring to the extension in 2010, then that was not a compromise. That was a "hurry up and get this through the Democrat-controlled 111th Congress in a lame duck session, before you have to actually work with the Republican-controlled 112th Congress, who will hold you to your campaign rhetoric of…
Debbie wants to know if Rufus' owner is single...
If ever there was a time to use the expression "First World Problems", this is it.