
Honorable mention for 'Deadly Friend'? No flesh eating, but remote controlled. Plus, Kristy Swanson.

Actually, not true. They already have a Micro-USB to Lightning adapter they will be making available to Europe, so chances are they (or a 3rd party) will make them available here in the not-too-distant future.

Here you go: Micro-USB isn't smart or powerful enough for Apple.

Asked and answered:

Perhaps if the title of the video was "Pasty-Wearing Hula Hooping Girls", your expectations would have been better aligned.

I don't know. I'm thinking Avicii. Though it could be intercepted alien transmissions.

The point is Apple has used the same dock connector since the iPod. They came out with the iPhone- dock connector. The iPad? Dock connector. For 9 years, across multiple product lines, Apple has used the same connector. The same can't be said about Samsung- or any other electronics manufacturer, really.

Yeah... then there's this:

Well played!

The point is Apple has used the same dock connector since the iPod. They came out with the iPhone- dock connector. The iPad? Dock connector. For 9 years, across multiple product lines, Apple has used the same connector. The same can't be said about Samsung- or any other electronics manufacturer, really.

Share with the class then!

But it was worth it, no?

Is it true what they say? 87% of statistics are made up, but 60% of the time, it works every time?

I've had two iPhones so far- a 3G, and a 4. I've wished for a removable battery exactly zero times. I've had phones with removable batteries prior to the iPhone. With the exception of cleaning them, I never removed the battery covers.

"—the bit referring to Apple's new connector comes off as a bit snide."

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Impressive? Sure. More impressive than a GoPro mounted on a Hula Hoop at Burning Man? I don't know...

How about they just start with passing a budget? Something they haven't done in almost 4 years at this point.

If you are referring to the extension in 2010, then that was not a compromise. That was a "hurry up and get this through the Democrat-controlled 111th Congress in a lame duck session, before you have to actually work with the Republican-controlled 112th Congress, who will hold you to your campaign rhetoric of

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Debbie wants to know if Rufus' owner is single...

If ever there was a time to use the expression "First World Problems", this is it.