Wait, you really believe Obama has compromised with Republicans? When?
Wait, you really believe Obama has compromised with Republicans? When?
Already saw the meme making its rounds on Facebook, with the caption "One heart beat away from the Presidency, one second from getting his ass beat."
I find myself needing to say this a lot lately. I am not a Republican. I'm a registered Independent. Just because I point out the stupid on the left doesn't mean I agree with or condone the stupid on the right. Both of you- the left and the right- are making it impossible for the majority in the middle. And…
Underfunding pensions. Buying a stake in Peugeot. Charging 2x as much for their version of a Prius. Heavily incentivizing the Volt when they can't sell them, pushing losses forward three years. It doesn't take a genius to see all the signs are there.
Yeah... I take it you've never lived in Chicago. So you've never seen the corruption and nepotism in the Chicago Machine.
You and me both.
Thank you! Finally, someone else that sees that 'new' GM is doing the same thing 'old' GM did to get them into trouble in the first place. And now that the "Bailout" precedent has been set, they probably expect the Government will be there (again) to bail them out (again).
No, but the fact that they are still underfunding their pension plans, spending stupid money stupidly (buying a chunk of Peugeot, the Manchester United deal, etc.), and that they can't give Volts away (they'll be lucky to sell half their target for the year) don't bode well for staying away from a second bankruptcy.
Thanks for the clarification; that makes a little more sense.
As with anything else, the reasons to lament the passing of the bench seat all seem to have to do with sex. Pre-coital & post-coital, they were great for snuggling. Then you had your drive-ins, lookout points, etc.
1984 Pontiac Parisienne, eh? 1981 Pontiac Grand LeMans here. Mint green on mint green.
I pay about $65/month for home internet through Qwest (now CenturyLink). DSL, 12Mbps, if I remember correctly. A $300 one-time fee for internet that's 83x faster, and no more $65/month bills? Sign me up, it'll pay for itself in 5 months.
I think the fatal flaw in this is that it would require the airlines to spend money. So, while good in theory, I wouldn't hold your breath.
I dunno... looking at the front of it, it'll scratch the hell out of the front lip of the laptop. And the back/side of the iPhone. external hard drive.
Ah. Indeed, the rare and coveted CTS-V WPE- Whale Penis Edition.
Indeed. Scarily so.
Why'd I buy a white car? I live in Phoenix.
Yeah, the exchange rate makes it look even worse. Who spends $150,000.00 on a Cadillac?
Just to be pedantic, George Washington actually opposed the party system. So he'd probably have as much an issue with the sorry, closed-minded ideals of the left as he would with the same on the right.