I think this series has promise.

I'm genuinely excited about this.

Wait what?!

@SeckzPanther: do they!? oh man sorry. I'm such a noob sometimes _< lol

@nipsen: Haha. This sounds hilarious. It makes me want to play the game but for the wrong reasons lol or the right ones I guess, I dunno ... I dont really wanna whack it to some pixels.

@AndrosZ: Haha sorry to tag onto the laughing train, but thank you sir, for your hilarious post. :)

@bakagaijin: I would promote your comment if I could. :) Made me lol

@Paul_Is_Drunk: I agree. I don't ever pirate games personally, but I know a lot of people that their sole reason for pirating a game is that the version they've already paid for has ridiculous restrictions on it.

I think DRM is a poor anti-piracy system. More companies should take a leaf out of Arkham Asylum's book.

I was absolutely glued to this article. Very interesting.

@TheHeeyyy: That made me chuckle. 360 Pad = Zangief skills :)

@RockyRan: I still think I'd prefer this to the iPhone one, just because it has a D-Pad. lol :)

@Alex_Mexico: I agree with you on both aspects. I love my iPhone and really hold it in high regard for portable gaming that suits the device (ie Fieldrunners, Minigore Canabalt etc). I even enjoy GTA: CW on it, but that still amounts to rough directional input and a single button. I too, don't see how the fast