@PoweredByHentai: Yeah man, there's something very fishy about this. I think the screens have been altered.
@PoweredByHentai: Yeah man, there's something very fishy about this. I think the screens have been altered.
I quite like it lol. But its not very good as a game cover. Im glad I'll own the UK special edition :)
@nowayman: Perfectly summarised. Very good point, very well made. :)
@The Cap'n: I agree. Sometimes the simple games are the best, ie. Canabalt.
This is such a shame. Zak and Wiki was great fun and absolutely charming. Definitely in my top 5 for Wii.
Hahahaha! I read the title to this article and actually lol'd. ^_^
@Eagle2083: It wouldn't surprise me. These are the guys that picket and protest the funerals of soldiers that fought for their freedom. Whether people agree with the war or not, I think everyone can agree that, that is vile behavior. Saying its your religion does not make it ok.
@ContinentalOp: These people are the epitamy of negative. Vile, hateful cowards. They justify their distaste for anything that goes against their own beliefs by using a religion that believes in kindness. Religions, and Christmas (as well as other holidays), have the power to unite people and these people take it out…
@NoahSteam: I think so. :S But why didn't they censor nipple number 3? lol
hmmm. I watched the trailer after the jump and it doesn't seem that fast. I'm sure that'll not be an issue come release. I'm intrigued about how the controls will work though :S :)
i knew all this already. i just wish that guy would budge. his view is clearly outdated.
@JesusDeSaad: oh cool. were GTA 1 & 2 released on PC before console then? :)
@Friedhamster: or even less, the prince and elika.
@JesusDeSaad: I thought Rockstar actually got to where they are through console gameplay. Through games like Lemmings (back when they were DMA Design) and obviously GTA on countless platforms.
I think this looks amazing. Im interested to see where they go with the narrative, but even more curious about the multiplayer. Something akin to the free mode on GTAIV, but in the wild west, would be amazing. Roaming about in gangs on horseback, shooting up saloons. I cant wait :)
Absolutely perfect answers. :) #modernwarfare2
@Lordd_G: oh man, you probably should. they shrugged that off now and are genuinely great shooters. :) #callofdutymodernwarfare2
@Ackers thanks Brian Ashcraft: i cant tell if your being sarcastic or read the article before the update. but it might be worth waiting for some credible screenshots before choosing :) #modernwarfare2
@CosmicElement: surely the could just run the BC compat with emulation software like they did for the european ps3 60gbs?
@Brmarlin: win :)