@semin plays the bongos: How do you think we got him to do the Superpretzel commercials?
@semin plays the bongos: How do you think we got him to do the Superpretzel commercials?
@semin plays the bongos: Bring on Scott Franzke/Larry Andersen!
@Jobu81: That's a heart right there.
@P3nnst8r: Now Buying Followers: Which, of course, is awesome for Phillies fans!
@DrJamesAndrews: Today is a day that will live in infamy.
Oh.... oh god.
@Bellwether Johnson: I feel like a kid on Christmas right now. When do I get to open the big present?
I don't see an option for the Ford Fiesta on that list.
@DrJamesAndrews: It better be a World Series title, that's all I know.
@Desi_Relaford: Last year's loser: The Texas Rangers.
@DrJamesAndrews: I'm getting my Halleehamswalt jersey ready.
I heard you can only get these airmailed, and they have a 30% chance of not reaching their destination.
Where's the 2? :(
How can this guy meet somebody on OKCupid, and I can't? Seriously?
@///M: I breathe a sigh of relief now instead of horror whenever I see those tight spirals launched by Vick.
@Cyrus_the_virus: My eyes were bleeding by the end of the Google Image search.
@vege-tables: You must be a Redskins fan.
LeSean McCoy's mouth is just as quick as his feet.