One hell of a Go route.
One hell of a Go route.
@Jesse Tobiason: Wouldn't that, in fact, be related?
Does this mean that Mark is now gonna be our #1 friend?
@Daveinva: I lol'ed.
@Rainbow Bright: So that's how Cunningham got so many rushing yards...
Oh man, Michael Vick one week, then Tim Tebow the next? ESPN is going to give these commentators a heart attack.
@vege-tables: I think Raiders fans have been saying that about Al Davis for the past 30 years.
All I need to say is, "What took them so long?"
@NorthernRoamer: I was being serious.
@Settings: I like you. You get my respect.
@Settings: ಠ_ಠ
A little too much botox.
@gelatinous_d: Good thing Ernest Borgnine helped to fill the void.