
When's Kanye West: Running My Mouth Off and Not Caring coming out?

Nuff said.

Is this going to be anything like Allegiance? If so, sign me up.

And that Super Scope looks just as good as it ever did.

@kakihara: Waggling is included with Sackboy, so 1 down, 3 to go!

I guess it pays for getting talent when you're a once A-list possible hall-of-fame pitcher for a sport with no salary cap.

I believe this is the first Wii killer game for the PS3. It offers simple controls, surprising depth, and enough cuteness to get anybody of all ages to enjoy it. I have friends who only like Wii games enjoying the cuteness aspect of it.

@Meeker: I just got a D80 and that was bad enough. I saw how some bodies for upper end Nikons were like 3k alone.

@SwapMeet: very expensive profession.

Wow, three cameras of each and your father-in-law is a professional photographer? Those must have cost a pretty penny.

@Kamakazie: Yes except people would still be making 3d representation that is pretty much identical to the actor acting it.

About damn time they made a Schindler's list game.

Soon we're just going to be reverting back to showing actual video in cut scenes, like Sega CD.

This doubles as a shaman raindance relic, too, right?

In Dead Space, nobody can hear you scream except for your neighbors 3 counties over.

I wish i was going, does that count?

Coolio's still around?

Luke: I saw - I saw a city in the clouds.