
I really wish that were true but, alas, Aran sweaters don’t have any unique patterns for clans, or villages. They just have different makers. Who chose different patterns. Or didn’t.

I’m going to go back up and read this, because I’m excited to see someone talk positive about this movie, but my knee-jerk reaction is:

I’m sure it’ll baby, provided “baby” is some 55yo broad with half her teeth gone and tits that hang to her knees....

Will it wheelie? (Prove it with pictures)

But you know what you can get for not a lot of money? A used RWD Cadillac ATS with a 2.0L turbo 4 and a 6-speed manual so. 

There is an antenna on the roof :

The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle category exists in the US. Rules vary by state, but it covers things like the Changli. NEV are prohibited from roads with a speed limit over 35mph.

Damn! Remembered another piece of digital nostalgia:

Only “gravity” shock resistant, don’t try actual electrical shocks. Mistakes were made, my arm is now charred and looks like a slim-jim and bratwurst had a baby and my watch is melted into my wrist, but hey would you look at that, it still has perfect time.

These are the next off roaders to go wild, so I’d overpay for the best one now, because it’ll pay off in 10 years.

I feel like every car I have ever owned I overspent on. 

Manual CTS-V Wagon. 

Aliens didn’t make the Nazca lines, people made the lines to impress the aliens as they fly by in their space ship.  It’s the first “tourist trap”.

“Daddy, the top came off...”

Buying cash doesn’t mean what it used to and actually might get you a lesser deal. Dealerships make a decent chunk of their money from selling loans and might be more willing to get you a better deal. Your best bet would be a to shop around, get a loan if it means getting a better deal and then just pay it off if you

I mean, my first thought was that I hope someone gave the poor guy a new TV.  I wouldnt go demanding one, but he wasnt doing it on purpose.  

Really. I was actually reading this to see what they gave the guy to stop watching the thing. 

Oh, there is much more that can go wrong than the battery!!! There is the charge controller, an expensive part with not the normal specialist but the more special DC specialist required to do the work, and at least the inverter, cooling system, electric motor, in some there is the heat pump...

The person started doing this when they were twelve. There are some synapses that didn’t get wired in straight, would be my guess.

You mean build a kit and register it with a factory VIN. THATS where the value is. $6500 for the factory VIN is probably a good deal.