
God damn knex! I set one of those gigantic roller coasters up for my nephew several years ago. It took hours, and my thumbs were raw for DAYS because of all the tight-fitting pieces with hard edges.

Crows are dope. i’d love to have a shitload of them around.

Hey, facial hair is hip, man.

ahh, I forget about following radars like this. That would definitely make it easier, and less prone to a sneeze taking out an expensive jet and it’s pilot ;)

Supersonic above 100 feet? I’m not a pilot, but that seems really fucking fast and low.

That kinda makes sense to me then. Kinda. I could see that someone wouldn’t want you voting on homeland issues when you’re not actually in the homeland for so long, but at the same time, those issues can/will affect your bank account, stocks, family, etc...

That was my thought. The Sex Offender system in America is so fucked up.

Man, you gotta put NSFW tags on these posts! i’m at work here!

Even Micheal Bay can’t dream up an explosion this damn big.

I sure wouldn’t burn one. They can be really expensive!

Oh, “How It’s Made” is like that. No talking, all making. Love that show.

Jason Mewes always has the best fucking lettuce. It’s like a source of pride for the dude.

Damn, dude. you been proofed, and proofed HARD!


Oh, I wouldn’t argue there. My point was just toward the rules regarding Ex-pats, not the population in general.

interesting, and I can see a point to it. If you’re out of the country, and not either a) taking part in the country’s politics, or b) paying attention at all, then your vote *might* not be so educated.

If you haven’t driven one of Hyundai’s engines, try it some time. They put out an astonishing amount of power, with truly incredible throttle reaction. TT is not needed with their engineering.

The answer is obviously T. Rex. Noone’s using it!

i’d say the guy who lost the half-million-dollar per year contract over $600 is the dumber one by a long shot.

The Raiders will gladly pick up a QB Killer.