It’s almost like basic marketing to stretch out information over multiple media cycles. Woah.
It’s almost like basic marketing to stretch out information over multiple media cycles. Woah.
Elon Musk is basically the Hooli guy from Silicon Valley. He says a lot of profound BS and the media lap it up because the only ones who get access are not real journalists, just fawning fanboy tech bloggers (I include all of Gawker in this sorry bunch of losers). His entire business strategy is built on hype,…
You know how you fix quality issues? Accelerate development and launch timelines! Surefire success.
Give the Patriots the perfect season.
Agreed, but there’s a difference between a one star review for “My drink took 10 minutes” and one star review for “I’m out $1000 and this contractor did a shit job I have to pay even more money to fix.” One is overkill, the other is probably not.
All of these commenters asking how he made the video camera and downplaying how cool this is because he “already has 21st century knowledge” are even worse than highlight truthers. This is a hobby of his that he chooses to share and it’s incredible what he’s able to accomplish - Enjoy it for what it is and stop living…
The only reason I can come up with is to have someone hold your hand on your deathbed...but that’s what hookers are for.
AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) is definitely an important one and came up on the women’s post as well. I considered anything that has to do with smoking (AAA ultrasound, chest CT, etc) as a behavior related screening. Because there are so many of those (the entire list of possible screening tests can be found here),…
Also since you’re including vaccines, I’d recommend the pneumonia ones at 65, as well as consider the varicella/shingles vaccines.
I would include AAA screening via ultrasound at age 65 for former or current smokers.
Proving that no one has more experience handling foul balls than an old Athletic supporter.
What a wonderful and lighthearted scene to see at a baseball game. This gives me hope tha- what’s that? The fan in the hat was kicked out? Oh of course he was.
Nice. x2.
Nice. x2.
Same here. Also adding lots of healthy fats made a big difference for me and made protein less boring (high fat low carb salad dressing, pure whipped cream with blueberries and strawberries, unsweetened high fat yogurt and stevia sweetened protein powder in smoothies, fatty cuts of bacon, beef, lamb and chicken- Don’t…
Dammit, the answer was exercise. I was trying to avoid that.
Why do we assume that they know the age of consent? Because other than her age all details suggest that she consented to the extent we should want them to wait for.
How does this back an argument against that. The Rio rape involved a victim who didn’t wish to consent, this involved one who for all the perpetrators would know consented but was underage.
why do they need to do jail time? If it was consensual and all the boys are under 18. Or do you think all sex by people under 18 is rape?
That’s about all I have to say about this. And I’m concerned about the charges the 16 yr old is being brought up on.
As someone who is interested in No Man’s Sky, not to the degree these nutjobs are, but still interested enough to want to know when i can buy it, Kotaku putting up a small piece about it being pushed back by a few months is actually news I appreciate.