
This looks cool. Now how do I cast myself away to an alternate dimension where it isn’t being developed for phones.

i am sorry (genuinely) not sorry (genuinely). 

Dear Ash,

The FIRST ending of ARR is kinda a letdown...the second ending tho...hoboy you’re in for a treat. Just gotta slog thru some kinda boring patch content to get there.

“very last”

> (just about to start Shadowbringers!)

So, I’m playing FF14 right now, hopefully wrapping up Shadowbringers this week and catching up to the latest patch by this time next month if I’m lucky.

I don’t know. I feel like Sunshine Coastline and Gen D’armes from VIII give it a run for its money. There’s some tracks from Origins that are also just... hot damn.

Okay, the entire series is just great. And then you add in the recent Trails games, and you can see the Falcom music department is just superbly gifted.

I feel like a strong case can be made for the PS4 version looking better stylistically due to things like the higher contrast. Its honestly strange that it is so different.

Thank you, I appreciate the kind words!

Now playing

It’s not a snow level, but the color palette matches for Lava Reef Act 2 in Sonic and Knuckles.


my answers are yes / it’s fine / i’m a fucking mess in 2020

mcrib’s case lookin’ strong

Do you like pork? Do you like the barbecue sauce you can get with Chicken McNuggets? Do you have a questionable regard for your own health and well-being?

That was not the trip I was anticipating this morning, but I definitely enjoyed being taken to a francophile jazz club this morning.

I don’t know, I just hear Yanny

That’s what it sounds like to me, to. Or “So long-a Bowser!” 

It’s been really nice actually! Sometimes you are just following years old forum posts that have no follow up and cutting blindly in the goop. At least I’m not the only one who has run into difficulties with these programs lately lol. 

Yeah, word. (Sorry if I got overly advice-givey here. It’s a reflex for nerd shit sometimes.)

Great Star Ocean track. So... what defines video game space jazz”? It it a quality inherent to the music itself, or is it also affected by the setting it’s used in, which is often... outer space?