Jon Charron

#1) Ad blockers still work, no matter what they tell you.

You forgot the main thing people do to maximize their Youtube experience.

That part kinda didn’t really sit well with me. First of all, why does this guy know Fury is in space and second, why is he telling Peter that information?

MJ got very little say in having her memory wiped, her only request in accepting it was that Peter remind her afterward.  He chickened out because she got into MIT.  Denying her the one thing she asked him for kinda, sorta robs her of her autonomy, and that is not something I am cool with.

it needed a venue where it could be better appreciated.”

special shout out to the sound design. I was playing a bit earlier and i reached a room with several soldiers with flamethrowers and they proved very difficult to grab so when i finally grabbed them i took them into a water filled hole that i had been retreating to and the scream muffled as soon as it hit the water

I’m a big fan of the new [REDACTED]. He’s a much more mellow guy, like when he handed Scott two of his own tacos.

RIP to Scott’s taco.  

Now playing

I agree it’s Winter Soldier, but disagree with the fight X2.

Had a great 8 months with them, but had to cancel when I just couldn’t use it to see movies I actually wanted to see anymore. I simply couldnt’ trust them to hold up their end of the bargain if I paid a full year in advance — and quite frankly, I’m not confident they’ll still be around in six months, much less a year!

+meatwadf, we did it! Again!

I’m speculating that Disney saw there was no big outcry when Gunn was hired for Suicide Squad (like what happened when Lasseter was hired by Skydance or Louis C.K. trying to do stand-up again) and decided they were in the clear to re-hire him.

I would like to thank Gotg for providing me this golden message to the people who got Mr. Gunn fired:

Really? Lousy ethics *don’t* affect your decisions? I thought most of us had learned not to feed the trolls, especially with our dollars. The more you tolerate their behavior, the more that people like Huang, Trump, etc. become normalized. I’ll happily pay a few extra bucks, or get a slightly inferior product, in

Yes. I’ve also been purchasing video cards for around twenty years and recognize that, for the average user, this is all hype-speak bullshit. The mid to high range cards will have the exact same performance for me as a consumer, so yes, I’ll decide which platform to use based on the attitudes of the company.

When the products in question are otherwise virtually identical? Sure.

The dickishness of NVIDIA’s CEO really inclines me to drop them and move to AMD for my next upgrade.

I know it’s petty, but check out Gavin without his beard.

No chin, but somehow 5 chins.

Clark Co. WA resident here, and I can vouch for these assholes being universally loathsome in person as well. Out here, they function like the enforcers of another obnoxious group called Patriot Prayer, and they show up everywhere, ready to start shit at a moment’s notice. They bring huge-ass canisters of bear-spray

I have an irrational response to seeing this jackanapes anywhere on the web.