Jon Charron

You’re tackling that argument from the wrong tangent. Xenophobia is exactly what should be leveraged to further the climate debate: where do conservative Americans think persian-gulf citizens will relocate to when we are done ‘burning tires’ to throw them out of their land? And as refugees how do you think some will

Put pluntly folks: if you truly don’t want persian gulf refugees flooding in to your neighborhoods, you are well advised to adopt and support policies that have a net gain of not destroying the persian gulf ecosystem. Not just for short term security but also long-term: further desertification will help to cripple the


im mostly concerned when things like my calculator need to know my location.

Totally look like stargate glyphs.

whats the text here?

Oddly Imgur is down at the moment or at least over-capacity. Possible DDOS?

So it’s 5000 LY away, isn’t it disingenuous to say its going to happen in 2018 and not 3000 BC?

So he basically envisions Ghost in the Shell’s communication systems. Seems like a winner.

Did WaPo do such a concise timeline of events? Being the first to shout wolf isn't all that matters. Where did the wolf come from? What kind of wolf is it?

You’re correct, advanced manufacturing techniques allow them to mass-print these boards in absurdly large qty that makes it lucratively cheap. But, its unlikely KFC invested that multi-million dollar sum for those economies of scale: KFC Germany likely had them prototyped and made a loss on this promo, but it all

well that’s exactly it: the computer hardware on the aircraft is expensive enough, the old rationale was to have the flight controls and media share the same rackspace.

I see your pic and raise one of actually my own..

Hackers can't be trained to exploit just like an engineer can't be trained on how to find a solution that has never been found before. However a hacker can be trained by showing him how existing systems work, how existing systems are made ,underlying principles of setting up security and so on and so forth

It doesn't make sense to move the capital backward from the standpoint that the capital developed there over a long period of time for beneficial economic and geographical reasons. secondly, long range strikes would threaten all of south korea. third, moving the capital to the auxiliary divests resources away from the

Dude - you might not even be wrong about that...

8.1 does default to desktop on non-touch hardware dude. keep up

"This is a sad day for Canada, and therefore, the World."

I guess it would actually depend on the number of electrons, or perhaps valencies.

So basically biofoam from the Halo literature