Jon Charron

did anyone else look at that photo and think "my god, who would put a giant neon switchblade on the side of a skyscraper?"

I smell a class action lawsuit

The F-35 is not meant to replace the F-22. The F-22 will continue to be our Air Superiority platform. The F-35 is slated to be the conventional Multi-Role platform.

"Like its more expensive cousin, the F-35, "

the superscope is in his pants

Dozens of stills and Windows Fuze, and you too could produce similar results

Whats wrong with WinDirStat - also free, also does the same thing

@Monty: on top of that it restricts any arguments against EV range. One presumes that if you need to drive beyond commuter range, you would do so via a major road, like an Interstate. It would be far cheaper to install these systems along an interstate than it would be to attempt to wire-up every road in the network.

@ZeddStar: I love AMD but I don't know about "crushing" an i3/i5? That's a bit like expecting a Prius to obliterate a Charger. Fusion is not likely going to be about busting benchmarks but rather lower power consumption for better gain. Future generations of APUs may break through but I doubt this first series will be

@Mathyc: not at all. their CPUs tend to be cheaper. Intel's are more powerful, sure, but also significantly more expensive in most cases. Intel also got it's market-lead from some shady anti-trust practices over the last 10 years with Dell and a few other companies, so thats a twofer: I don't give my money to intel

Ive had the G930 for several months now and I havent had the Microphone or Driver issues at all. If anything the cable is a bit finnicky to try and plug in blind (you pretty much have to take the cans off to do it, unless you're batman) and initially I worried that all the plastic on the model was going to make it too

@kobeashi: Thats what I keep hearing :P you gotta remember a) they changed the healing game around entirely and b) All your stats are deprecated again. All those hit caps and crit stacks we used to have are all gone and we need to go get them back again. Healers need their Haste back, for one thing :)

@estpaul: if you think we're all drawn in by the graphics then clearly you havent given it a real play through.

@Kwinten: The real problem is always hitting and jamming the left and right mouse clicks. Theyd wear down way too quickly. its a nice prototype but it cant at all be durable.

What do you want from me Adrian, I voted for the party that said they were going to be about Net Neutrality and open competition but whats going on with that? Oh right... Lobbyists.

@Culebra I know exactly how you feel about the Halo series, I never bought a 360 both on principle, cash flow, and the RRoD. I remember once playing half of Halo 3 and just being completely underwhelmed. It was a bit like playing a deathmatch along a path with random points where the game freezes and you see cortana

@TheMightyTexMex: Thats still more than a Prius or a Volk TDI. Much more.

Im a big fan of the old 2d megaman games and megaman X (hi Sting chameleon!) but seriously, that looked like crap, and was played by someone who had never played megaman before in their lives :P