
Duke lacrosse was exonerated, some time in between your unsuccessful parole hearing, and your release.

You are especially slow / stubborn / stupid

The author doesn’t give any compelling reason to make us believe that he’s paid attention to the entire show thus far, to his (dis)credit.

Yes, and he’s not saying they were right to do so; he is arguing that, based on his observing the video (which is all that any of us who weren’t there can do), the cops basically panicked because they were not allowed to subdue the man in the way that would have been much less aggressive (painful, horrific, egregious).

Why can’t his comments also be interpreted as “those cops, in that situation, acted with unnecessary force because they’d had a better alternative taken away” ?? — because that’s what he actually IS saying.

Uhh... He’s saying that those officers (wrongly) used their batons in that manner because they had recently been disallowed to use a choke hold. They also had not been properly or timely trained on an alternate method. He’s not condoning it in the least. Why can’t you comprehend this?

This is the most narrow, ill-informed piece i’ve read on Deadspin in over 2 years. Your writing presents a strong context for one to believe that you haven’t even watched the mini series. You don’t describe it or even the airing of it correctly (this week’s installment?!?).

Do your fucking homework.

And you posted this on June 2, where?

Found the Dubs fan who hasn’t watched a full NBA game before 2014

1. Foul

I see only Western Conference teams in your list. Try thinking (and typing) about the NBA Finals.

Pretty representative of the level of “give a shit” across the board, seems like

Golden State fans using Google to (just now) discover Deadspin. Easy answer.

“our beloved Spurs choke all the time ... ... the Finals this season”

1. No way. He hates everyone equally.

Companion piece:

People dislike baseball.

But... He doesn’t deserve an ass-kicking (for holding a blue, laminated sign) though.

I hope you have a beautiful day today