This is too tired and old to be clever or original trolling, hence it just sucks.
This is too tired and old to be clever or original trolling, hence it just sucks.
You had a really, really long streak of suck
I’ve used my “” handle for logging into ESPN fantasy games, etc. for 15 years, even though the actual “*****” email address has been defunct for AT LEAST 9 years...
Pearls being severely clutched... nothing more to see here
Underrated, at the 14-minute mark? Grossly overrated a half hour later.
“Soccer” posts are either blissfully unaware, or revisionist history —
Get the fuck out of here! “nor do I think I have ever ran into anyone, EVER” would be more believable.
generally stupid
It’s not .go, is what he’s trying to tell you. Are you obtuse?
You did not get the joke (AGAIN?!?).
We’re frantically scouring the boards for worse posters than you, believe it.
Leave, NOW!!!
Thankfully to all of us, “ignorance” is right there on the front page.
Your old copy of “USA Today” is actually from August of 2007.
A regrettable +1 gut-shot
This article wasn’t about, nor referenced the Giants in any way.
The nursing home finally got Wi-Fi.
+1 tied tongue
Your opinion sucks, and it’s yours, and it sucks.