your annual salary (after taxes).
your annual salary (after taxes).
I'm going dump another Five-spot into the nickel machine at the gas station, just for that.
"Well yeah, being on Donovan Lebroutosh's show... You know the one, where he and his dad sit in a real kitchen?... That was a close-to-joyful 6 hours."
A whole new, and not-appreciated, meaning to "Side Boob".
can you just be "Bo" instead?
You should read at least 4 of the other replies about VOCs and "de-gassing" from people who actually know what they're talking about.
Arson would involve destroying others' property, most likely in its natural or original location, excluding that "backyard" scenario.
This Comment Is Pending A Factual Basis
This should be a headlining comment, not a semi-buried reply.
+ (Selmer Mark) VI
yep, that is what happened!
you get to explain what sort of response(s) you hoped to get with this...
I see what you did there.
this isn't really an answer.
"I can't use church as a social crutch anymore."
I bet that exact result. "Almost!".
Still scouring the thread for "CommentFaerie"
This is how those of us who have odd start-times and odd "weekends" at our jobs, in the casino industry, get the best version of a "Why Pending Comments Came Back" post.
I guess it helps, in the sense that it's easy to get around. But it's like I have to get Erg to hoist me up on his shoulders again - when I felt how ridiculous to have to do it the first time! - and I contribute Waaaay better material than all the chupacabra characters combined; unless you're actually looking for that…