
It's "yeoman's work" you do, sir.

Too Soon; Didn't Comprehend

Still plenty of time to submit that pick for the "2014 Dead Pool", amirite...!

That is one helluva trip you're on!

To anyone actually using the article as a means of catching up on this game -

Meh, you do NOT get it.


Thanks for this... And it's been some time now.

Hmm... Thought you would "get" that.

Hmm... Thought you would "get" that.

Well — it was a joke top of a really good joke, I now realize (J/K) there are a bunch of you who wouldn't get it.

USC 50
ucla 0

My great-grandchildren resent that opinion!!1!

Let it rain. Apparently "we" [Yeah, '00 POSC/BUAD degrees in-hand, my SLMA monthly statements and I own the possessive pronoun] were let off too easy in the Reggie Bush aftermath, as evidenced by me crushing the Vegas lines throughout the '11 season.

Almost a haiku !!

Yay - join the crusade against vertical video. :-)

You can watch vertical and horizontal videos, separately or side-by-side, and still have this question?

Quite the "P.S."

Can we send you back to the minors?... Lots of (yes, LOTS OF) sub-mediocre content from you this entire month. I know it's call-up time and all, but Smoak is far beyond that point in his career as well.