

There was most definitely a "humor / therapy" slant to this question from the get-go.

"I later had a boyfriend with an unusually thick 8.5 inch cock, and the discomfort and extreme pressure made me remember what it was like that first time."

"I didn't submit, so I will now even though no one is interested."

"Screw it", pun intended... Thank you for sharing... I was getting increasingly frustrated by NOT seeing your story come up through the Top 10; then cascading waves of release/relief :-) when I saw that your strict adherence to the rules was overlooked for a "1st place" nod.

Maybe... Your outline was full of potential, but the details were severely lacking. Almost to the point of being able to casually dismiss it entirely as fiction.

She said it was a cut-&-paste from '06 okay? Fuck. Off.

Is there no better follow-up vote after Jesse "THE BODY" "THE MIND" - than this guy?? I'm considering moving back to MN (if I can re-establish my voting right in time) just so I can continue my trend of a wasted vote.

"One of these things is NOT like the others... One of these things, doesn't belong.

Hey, I thought you'd run with the +0.420 reference, but a nice 1-2 punch of screen grab and caption proves equally effective.

Also worth noting: its status as most-stunted adult growth strain.

Nothing like knowing how good you are... but as always the "mic drop" reference is permanently out-of-style. Result:

JaVale McGeef

"my super is coming by tonight to clean the stains off my ceiling."

What replaced it? I've studiously avoided all write-ups (and the broadcast itself) so far.

You had to be the first to reply "that bad"?


Give it up. Jesus H Christmas, your takes are so lame you shouldn't even dare call in to the Jim Rome show (anymore- I'm sure you were an 8th runner-up on the SmackOff for a two year stretch).

That vote was a foregone conclusion! The Japanese are WAAAY better at rasslin' than baseball!

Can't wait for the "That vote was a foregone conclusion! Japanese are WAAAY better at wrestling than baseball!" op-ed defense.