

Next time you get a pearl of wisdom such as this, hold your head under the sink: Goddamn

A) fuck you.

For holy hell's sake, when will this site adopt/infuse a Pacific Time Zone bureau (Not in ANY WAY copycatting an ESPN "Los Angeles SportsCenter Studio" model) ??!!?? Don't get me wrong, 7:45-11:45am [3:15pm Tues/Thur] in Las Vegas is passable << A-ok << gut busting; but —

"It Just May Be A Lunatic You're Looking For"

[Stu Lantz Voice]

the "Style vs. Substance" argument will wait til another day... Because I'm a Minnesotan, and I see what you're trying to do... You get the most begrudging +1 of the calendar year on this site, and for Kent Hrbek's sake STEP YOUR GAME UP!!!!!!

PRE-Traumatic Concussion Syndrome??

On a bright early-May afternoon in 2000, two days shy of graduatation ceremonies at USC, a small-suburban Minneapolis kid [who scored 1 HS Varsity point his Junior Year, in the final minute of a 18-point playoff loss, after a "Ghost Foul" missed layup; and 3 points his Senior Year, on a dagger 3-pointer in the final

Biting my style? Oh, okay, I've mostly taken the summer off (WSOP in town).

if you look closely, this new "plate-hugging" generation will usually un-strap the extra apparatus & toss it to the bat boy upon being issued a walk (or HBP).

I'm not irate about R.E.M.

I made myself watch the clip... Not the Worst Moment of my life, but definitely the Moment of Largest Negative Net-Change.

You stone-ground the wheat by hand this time, for a finely delivered loaf of bread.

I wasn't watching, apparently...


Put the pipe down and change the channel, brah.

Good normally, suck today.

No stupid TV references here, just

This half-hatched plan of commenting on every post, every day - it's... uh... err... Not working out so well. (Still.)