A) fuck you.
A) fuck you.
For holy hell's sake, when will this site adopt/infuse a Pacific Time Zone bureau (Not in ANY WAY copycatting an ESPN "Los Angeles SportsCenter Studio" model) ??!!?? Don't get me wrong, 7:45-11:45am [3:15pm Tues/Thur] in Las Vegas is passable << A-ok << gut busting; but —
"It Just May Be A Lunatic You're Looking For"
[Stu Lantz Voice]
the "Style vs. Substance" argument will wait til another day... Because I'm a Minnesotan, and I see what you're trying to do... You get the most begrudging +1 of the calendar year on this site, and for Kent Hrbek's sake STEP YOUR GAME UP!!!!!!
PRE-Traumatic Concussion Syndrome??
On a bright early-May afternoon in 2000, two days shy of graduatation ceremonies at USC, a small-suburban Minneapolis kid [who scored 1 HS Varsity point his Junior Year, in the final minute of a 18-point playoff loss, after a "Ghost Foul" missed layup; and 3 points his Senior Year, on a dagger 3-pointer in the final…
Biting my style? Oh, okay, I've mostly taken the summer off (WSOP in town).
if you look closely, this new "plate-hugging" generation will usually un-strap the extra apparatus & toss it to the bat boy upon being issued a walk (or HBP).
I'm not irate about R.E.M.
I made myself watch the clip... Not the Worst Moment of my life, but definitely the Moment of Largest Negative Net-Change.
You stone-ground the wheat by hand this time, for a finely delivered loaf of bread.
I wasn't watching, apparently...
Put the pipe down and change the channel, brah.
Good normally, suck today.
No stupid TV references here, just
This half-hatched plan of commenting on every post, every day - it's... uh... err... Not working out so well. (Still.)
Greg Howard better be a perfect reincarnation of Issac Rauch... Wait, let me gather my thoughts... Greg Howard needs to distance himself from everything Isaac Rauch, as best and as quickly as possible.
Just Seton Hall.