
I have a KickStarter unit but haven't used it yet.

The secondary use of this technology is, of course, military in nature.

Puppy Approves.

Excellent as always Albert. I'd say spring a couple of grand (pennies) for a nice crusty loaf of French/Sourdough/Other bread and Bob's your uncle. Your recipes are what the Internet was invented for.

If you are drinking Budweiser you deserve to get caught.

My cat would have convinced me to stay home and cuddle.

But a cat has got your ass covered.

Cats. Because

This is how I store my brake systems at night also.

Who is she?

Good luck!

Of course first you have to find a spot. Thanks.

Gabby always deserves a hug. Just as we all do.

If I understand anything, everyone is beautiful in their own way. To that end I offer a "I remember every Jezebel Commenter with who I have interacted with in the past." Therefore I remember you all and I remember you all as beautiful.

I use semolina and mix it on the (cooled down) countertop. I start with what looks like enough flour, make a volcano-like mountain, drop the eggs in the middle, and scoop the flour (a little bit at a time) on to the eggs. After kneading and a rest I use a Cucinapro Imperia Pasta Machine.

Sure, that part is easy, but every kitchen needs a scale.

Right you are SBM_from_LA I was just trying to get people to increase the value of my Amazon stock. Just kidding. I typically eyeball it as you do, but a scale can't be beat for baking. If I am using hamburger in conjunction with a store-bought prep kit it is nice to match the ingredient list to make best use of the

I try to match it to the person and flavor of the message I am responding to. Typically I don't sign my messages, being as I wouldn't in an oral conversation. If I am responding to a more formal message, I will use a tilde and my first and last names. If it is an informal message from a person I really like, one I

Thanks and I love simple "why didn't I think of that" articles. Never too old to learn a trick. Cheers!