If this should happen to someone you know, just unscrew them.
If this should happen to someone you know, just unscrew them.
You are just stubbornly holding on to the idea that because you don't believe in something you can deny your employees coverage for it. Who cares if you can get it elsewhere? Women can get clothes hanger abortions in alleys if you decide for them alternatives exist. That is your pushing your doctrine on your…
That's perfect because Christian Scientist business owners can deny all medical coverage because none of it is "medically necessary" and "alternatives exist". I don't understand why any person thinks they can pick and choose to tell someone to go elsewhere for any aspect of health care.
What about "someone elses money" for a heart transplant, or for treatment of a major infection? Is that OK because you "approve" of these things? But because you don't support a woman's right to birth control they can't get it as part of their medical coverage?
I'm talking about natural gas, sorry.
I think that's the rub contrariwise. The restriction affects the worker because it allows others to decide for you. It creates a condition where the employer really isn't directly affected, but allows them to make decisions that affect others. If the gas utility wants to run a gas line down the street needs permission…
Maybe it is better Malcire132 or fairer, but the idea behind the Affordable Care Act is to ensure all people get the coverage they want/need, not just the care their employers want them to have.
Wow kbr14. I am amazed they would totally disregard his injury to further their agenda. I wonder if I had been in that situation if I would rather visualize using my good hand to strangle the brothers. It seems like a better idea than theirs.
I still wonder why one entity (employer's) religion trumps another's (employee).
If I understand correctly; and I have been observing correctly, I am to ignore any woman* whose derriere doesn't look like this:
Happy New Year.
Thank you for that. I had forgotten all about health insurance because you just don't hear any news about health insurance these days.
I think they clean the gloves before displaying them or it is a minimum-wage employee who hangs them.
Thank you FieryM
Thanks Albert. OXO* makes very good kitchen tools and I like the size of your handle. I can also see you favor a thinner width blade.
Speaking of an Oyster Knife I see 7,843 different blade/guard/handle configurations and have to ask which is the best. I'm one of those people who feel why spend $6 on something when you can spend a thousand.
I know I sound like a broken record* but I love your articles and your style of writing. Thank you Albert Burneko.
My Name is Over-the-River and I am a Hellmann's Real Mayonnaiseholic.
What Did We Get Stuck In Our Rectums This Year?
I have seen this somewhere before.