
DUDE. Bit of friendly advice (not that you deserve it) - next time you post a comment, hit up your brain before your keyboard. MATE.

‘The whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.’

As long as people start pointless wars out of greed or a need to prove their might Pratchett will be relevant. As long as people bindly follow tradition as an excuse for not to thinking for themselves Pratchett will be relevant. As long as the idea of orangutan being a librarian is funny Pratchett will be relevant.

+1 EV Reference

I thought it was in bars of such scum and villainy that every space pirate finds the good jobs.


Escape Velocity! My brother wrote this game when he was 17.

What about Space Pirates? Either being, playing, or killing them seems to be a timeless tradition since the 1930s.

Saw him at a con in Calgary. People kept asking him about Game of thrones, and when someone asked “who would win in a fight between your Conan and Kal’Drogo” and he replied “well if we’re gonna do that then we’d have to include Ronon and I’d just shoot them both”

Depending on your belief of the afterlife, yes?

Want to know who won the other Jim Henson awards? Here you go:

I don’t know how, but I got Hamburgler style.

The attacker was able to flee the scene because everyone runs faster with a knife.

Joe's Crap Shack

So Londo Mollari was right?